Harvin Reaction Technology has announced a new product line, according to Dick Baum, vice president of Operations and general manager. "We are now offering our customers a line of polyurethane elastomers, foams and adhesives specifically designed for use in automotive, transportation, industrial, and residential filtration applications," Baum said. "These materials are used as gaskets and encapsulants for filtration media, and as adhesives to adhere filtration media to metallic and non-metallic substrates." Baum stated that Harvin - which traces its history back to 1968 - has recently created several other new product lines as the company moves to achieve new growth goals. Recently, the company expanded its bulk storage tank and reactor capacities. Harvin is a member of the Chemical Group of DASH Multi-Corp. DASH, headquartered in St. Louis, is a well-established, financially strong holding company. DASH operates 15 diverse companies nationwide, with sales exceeding $150 million.