A great technical professional isn't automatically a great manager. The skills, aptitudes and abilities aren't necessarily the same, a fact that becomes painfully obvious when technical professionals assume management positions and face problems that can't be solved by technology. For nearly 50 years, UCLA Extension's Technical Management Program has helped managers supplement their technical expertise with the specialized skills required to lead, manage and empower others. The program addresses the newest trends and paradigms in today's volatile business world and provides the technical manager with a repertoire of methods to solve problems, plan strategies and motivate colleagues. Presented each March and September, this program allows participants to shape a curriculum of four courses from more than 24 different offerings that address the following management questions: How can I carry out my managerial role in the face of major change in my organization? How Can I prepare myself for emerging trends and an uncertain future? "The 67th Technical Management Program" is offered 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sunday - Friday, March 28 - April2, 2004, at Covel Commons on the UCLA Campus in West Los Angeles. The fee is $2,795 for a personalized program of study.

For more information, visit www.uclaextension.edu/tmp , call (310) 825-3858 or e-mail tmp@uclaextension.edu .