A new brochure from Henkel explains the company’s tote recovery program, including details of what customers need to know to participate. Henkel has partnered with National Container Group (NCG) to provide Henkel customers with a quick, simple way to return empty, serviceable plastic totes after use, according to Isabelle Valois, Channel Marketing and Development manager of Henkel Corp. “In this sustainable packaging recovery program, NCG picks up totes from our customers, washes them and reintroduces them into the supply chain.”

“By cleaning and reusing the plastic 275-gal totes instead of discarding them, the Tote Return Program eliminates the production of 2.3 million lbs of virgin resin a year,” said Stephanie Learman, Henkel Purchasing director. “Because the steel cages that hold the totes are also reused, production of 4.5 million lbs of new steel is eliminated as well.”

For more information or to download a copy of the brochure, visitwww.naturallyhenkel.com.