Arizona Chemical recently released its third consecutive sustainability report, which defines the company’s 10-year vision, business strategies and core values.

“Given our company’s core business of creating biorenewable solutions for our customers, sustainability and innovation are fundamental to everything we do,” said Kees Verhaar, president and CEO. “This report reflects our progress in meeting sustainability goals, engaging with stakeholders, and driving toward becoming the dominant company in our target markets.”

The report adheres to the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3.1 guidelines. Over Arizona Chemical’s three years of reporting at a GRI Application Level B, the company has reportedly increased the number of indicators to which it responds by more than 75%. This year’s report highlights accomplishments such as enhanced safety programs resulting in a total incident rate of 0.53 vs. the year’s objective of 0.75; advances in satisfying customer needs in the adhesives, tires, and roads and construction markets; and substantial progress in globalization with the establishment of a Shanghai, China-based trading company that enables Asian customers to conduct business locally.

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