Earlier this week, I attended Cytec’s Hands On Seminar: New Ultraviolet Curable Pressure Sensitive Adhesives for Industrial Applications at Chemsultants International in Mentor, OH, where the theme of the day was innovation - particularly innovation in a down economy. So imagine my surprise when my editor sent the following link as a possible starting point for the series of blog entries I’ll be making in her absence.More than one person thinks the same thing about moving forward when it seems everything else is moving backward,my sometimes-slow-on-the-uptake brain told me.This is kismet. It’s newsworthy. Why, it’s going on theASIEditor’s Blog.


Once you’ve read what the folks at Systematic Inventive Thinking®have to say about innovation, come back and let us know what steps you’re taking to use the economic slowdown to your advantage. Because we have plenty of blog space to fill over the next few weeks, my friends. Plenty of blog space, indeed.