Subscribers toASI’s E-Newsletter may have noticed the addition of a weekly survey to the news features section. Here we present the results of the April 14 survey.

Which of these sources of renewable energy does your business utilize?

Wind power: 0.0%
Solar power: 0.0%
Hydropower: 3.7%
Geothermal heat: 5.6%
Hybrid company vehicles: 5.6%
Biomass/biogas – recycled energy (i.e., from landfills, solid waste, etc.): 1.9%
Fuel cell technology: 1.9%
None: 81.5%

ASI recently added a comment box to its weekly E-News survey. Here are a few highlights from the past week.

“This is a BAD time for capital expenses.”

“Wish we were more pro-active. It's tough to make any new investments with the economy how it is.”

“(When) our electricity suppliers fold these technologies into their system, we will consume them.”

“It would be a very difficult - if not impossible - undertaking to power a commercial production facility using so-called renewable energy sources.”

“We have a perfect roof for solar, but the boss said it was too expensive to install. Our electricity bills are so high that a solar roof would have paid for itself by now.”