It’s no secret that the recession is affecting chemical companies. However, there are some industries that are actually doing well – such as those with a focus on renewable energy, “green” technologies and the like.

It’s no secret that the recession is affecting chemical companies. Adhesives and sealants manufacturers and supplier companies are shutting down plants, raising prices and laying off workers. GM just announced new layoffs, and many other companies are doing the same.


However, there are some industries that are actually doing well – such as those with a focus on renewable energy, “green” technologies and the like.


In addition, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) might give some much-needed relief to manufacturers.


What are your experiences in this ever-tightening economy? Is it business as usual in your company, or are the economic challenges affecting the way your company runs? What is needed to help keep the industry afloat during these tough times? Share your thoughts with a comment below.