The Dow Chemical Company Foundation (Dow) has donated $80,000 to the Alsip Fire Department in Alsip, Illinois. The donation, which was made on behalf of Dow’s latex production facility in Alsip, helped fund construction of a new training facility for local firefighters.

The new facility focuses on confined space rescue and opened in August. The Alsip Fire Department and Dow are hosting a dedication ceremony today at the site of the new training facility.

“The Alsip Fire Department is indispensable to our community,” Steve Schoenholz, site leader at the Dow Alsip facility said. “We are pleased to offer our support for the new training facility and the many firefighters who will use it in the coming years.”


The Dow Alsip site is located in south Chicago and manufactures latex for Dow Coating Solutions, a business unit dedicated to meeting the needs of the coatings industry worldwide.


Hats off to Dow for donating to this worthy cause. When we see how much profit some of the chemical companies make in a year, it’s nice to see them giving back to the communities in which they work.


Tell us your stories – what is your company doing to give back?