Born in 1970, Earth Day was created to increase awareness of our natural environment and find ways to protect it. While many companies in our industry are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact and air pollution has been reduced, there is still a lot left to be done. Companies and individuals can make small efforts that will add up to big changes: try printing on both sides of a paper before recycling it; use Energy-Star appliances, compact fluorescent bulbs and turn off the lights when leaving a room; and shut down your computer at the end of the day.


In addition, check out our Green Roundtable to learn more about efforts your customers and competitors are doing to be more environmentally friendly. And visit our Green micro site for more on green, sustainability, recycling, and other important topics.


For more environmental tips and to find events near you to celebrate, check out the EPA’s Earth Day Web site.


What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day?