On Tuesday morning, attendees to the Adhesive and Sealant Council’s Fall Convention will begin their day with a Breakfast and Keynote at 7:30 a.m. John Felmy, chief economist for the American Petroleum Institute, will present “Energizing America: Facts for Addressing Energy Policy.” Many Americans don’t completely understand the link between economic growth and the energy policy options we face in terms of fueling our future. Felmy is expected to discuss how the Keystone pipeline and opening up drilling—both on and offshore—could affect oil markets, as well as the trends and market drivers for global and North American oil and their impact downstream on petrochemical industries. He discussed some of these issues with ASI Editor Susan Sutton. Listen to their conversation on ourpodcast page.

Following the breakfast are three separate education sessions:

Business Development and Market Trends, which will discuss Global Oil Trends; a Formulation & Technical track on Technical and Government Regulations; and an End-User track focusing on Product Opportunities in Building and Construction.

From noon to 1 p.m., delegates can explore downtown Minneapolis and enjoy lunch on their own. Those who have signed up in advance can attend the Speed Networking Lunch.

Afternoon Education Sessions resume from 1:15-4 p.m. An educational track highlights Business Development and Market Trends, specifically the ASC Market Report to 2015. The session begins with the presentation entitled “Overview of Markets and Trends from the 2012-2015 ASC Market Reports,” given by David Nick, president/CEO of DPNA International Inc.

Additional sessions focus on Technical and Government Regulations: Perspectives on LEED v4;and a New Technology and Application track that examines Trends & Market Drivers in Green Chemistry.

From 3:30-7 p.m., the Expo and Reception will take place in the Grand Ballroom A-D. Find a list of Expo exhibitorsbooth previewsand more on ASI’s Fall ASC Convention microsite.