James C. Myers, associate, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Arlington, Mass., has received a 1999 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Award of Merit from ASTM Committee C24 on Building Seals and Sealants. The title of Fellow accompanies the award, which is the highest Society award granted to an individual member for distinguished service and outstanding participation in ASTM technical-committee activities. Myers was cited for meritorious service and leadership in developing standards for building seals and sealants, and for exemplary administrative and technical guidance of Committee C24 programs and processes.
Myers’ career has concentrated on the design, investigation and repair of building-envelope components including walls, roofs, windows and waterproofing. Recent projects have included investigations on several familiar structures. He has worked on a fire-damage project for the One Meridian Plaza building in Philadelphia, and a leakage and cracking investigation at the Maryland Casualty’s Calvert building in Baltimore.
In 1986, Myers joined ASTM Committee C24 on Building Seals and Sealants. He served six years as chairman of the committee after serving a two-year term as vice chairman. His fellow members recognized him with the ASTM Committee C24 Sealants Hall of Fame Award in 1996, and awarded him the Certificate of Appreciation in 1992. He currently serves on the ASTM board of directors.
Outside of ASTM, Myers has been a member of the American Concrete Institute and has acted as a delegate of US TAG ISO/TC 59/SC 8 on Sealants in Building Construction.