The National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI), an industry-led consortium focused on strengthening the global electronics manufacturing supply chain, will kick off its 2004 roadmap March 24-25. NEMI member Sun Microsystems will host the meeting at their facility in Newark, CA (7777 Gateway Blvd.). "The kick-off meeting gives all of the committees and groups who are developing individual chapters of the roadmap a chance to meet together as a whole to discuss the `big picture' and coordinate on the issues that affect all aspects of the roadmap," said Jim Arnold, fellow of the technical staff for Motorola and NEMI's director of roadmapping. "It's a very useful and productive session that catalyzes the six-month process." Every two years, NEMI maps the future manufacturing needs of the global electronics industry in order to identify the key technology and infrastructure developments required to assure leadership of the supply chain over the next decade. It helps companies anticipate shifts in product requirements and provides an early warning of changes in technology or infrastructure.

For more information, contact Cynthia Williams at (207) 871-1260 or e-mail .