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EMX INDUSTRIES INC.: UV Sensor Applications Handbook
EMX Industries Inc., a manufacturer of sensors for automation and gate/door control, has announced the publication of its first engineering handbook for UV sensor applications. Intended as a hand reference guide for experienced engineers and a tutorial for engineers who want to deepen their knowledge of UV sensors, the EMX "UV Luminescence Sensor Application Handbook" covers UV sensor technology and its application. The handbook explains how UV luminescence sensors work, gives guidance on how to select and integrate a UV luminescence sensor into an application, and presents a series of examples of how they are used to improve processes. In addition to covering sensors, the new handbook provides a list of suppliers of UV luminescent markers and additives that can be used to make targets detectable by UV sensor. Not as well known as other sensors, UV sensors detect the application of seals, grease, adhesives, paper label and other materials for quality assurance and manufacturing process feedback. Because UV sensors can easily discriminate targets in any orientation from similarly colored backgrounds, they are often more reliable than vision systems costing ten times more.