Two types of temperature-indicating labels, reversible and irreversible, tell the current temperature of a product at a glance or indicate whether a critical temperature threshold has been violated. A low-cost, reversible label applied to the shipping carton or pail of confectionery and other temperature-sensitive foods allows QC managers to verify cold-storage conditions. These reversible labels use a liquid-crystal thermometer that indicates current temperature on the "green bar" section of the label. Reversible labels are also used in the medical-diagnostics industry to indicate temperature of specimens en route for laboratory analysis.
Dry Pak Industries offers irreversible labels that monitor conditions from -30 deg C to +300 deg C, as well as labels and tags that indicate how long a product has been exposed above critical temperatures. WarmMark[tm] and ColdMark[tm] Time Temp tags, used to monitor temperature during shipping and storage, are designed with three windows on the tag. Windows turn a tell-tale red as a product is exposed over or under critical temperatures for a brief time (30 minutes), a moderate time (two hours) or a prolonged time (two days). Typically placed on the outside of a pallet, irreversible tags and labels monitor temperature conditions as a product moves through the distribution system; up to 40,000 pounds of product can be monitored for less than $20.
A full line of strip-chart temperature recorders from Dry Pak Industries provides inexpensive yet reliable continuous monitoring of temperatures while products are in transit. Placed inside a cargo container at the beginning of shipment, these disposable recorders produce a printed chart of temperature variation once the shipment reaches its destination. In-transit strip-chart temperature recorders are available in several run times from five to 60 days.
Dry Pak Industries provides a full line of indicating, monitoring and packaging products for temperature, humidity, fluid and static-sensitive shipments, and for modified-atmosphere packages. With warehouses throughout the United States, Dry Pak Industries ships "just in time" to customers who need to meet packaging standards. For more information, contact Brad Wolk, Dry Pak Industries Inc., 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Suite 572, Studio City, CA 91604; call 877-4-DRYPAK; fax 310-2880472; e-mail info@drypak.com; or visit www.drypak.com. Or Circle No. 258.