This company has announced the introduction of an economic RoHS compliant CE mark Digital Dispenser. The model SL101 continues with Fisnar’s policy of manufacturing high quality, state-of-the-art dispensing products at an affordable price.
The SL101 is a self-teach Bench Top Dispenser with a bright LCD and 10 memory locations to automatically cycle 10 self-taught programs. Auto cycling is one of three operation modes available. The other two are Manual-Mode, which enables a dispense operation controlled by a foot-pedal, and Timed-Mode, which dispenses at a pre-set time.
Touch-sensitive controls program the SL101 with dispense periods from 0.01–9999 seconds. Systems are available in 110V and 220V versions. Air Input is 70–100 psi (5-7 bar). Dispense output air pressure can be programmed from 1–100 psi. An adjustable suck-back feature prevents post-dispense dripping of low-viscosity fluids and potential oozing of higher-viscosity creams.
Auto cycling operates by sequencing a self-taught cycle of events, including a dispense-time together with a “wait” or “pause” condition between the cycles. This feature enables the SL101 to be used as a stand-alone, semi-automated dispensing system. Alternatively, the SL101 can be controlled remotely or integrated with any I&J series robot dispensing from syringes or controlling pneumatically actuated I&J valves.
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