The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the world’s leading professional society serving the manufacturing industry, has announced a call for nominations for the 2009 Innovations That Could Change the Way You Manufacture list. 

The list will showcase new and emerging technologies, currently available to the industry, that are making a difference in manufacturing. The overall goal is to aide the manufacturing community with sorting through the many options available to support their efforts to remain competitive.

Innovations up for consideration should cause change, bring significant business and financial benefits by minimizing cost and lead time, improve product quality and performance and be robust and adaptable to meet or exceed customer demand and requirements.

This is a huge opportunity for the adhesives and sealants industry to get some more positive exposure. The industry has long been manufacturing products that have changed the way we all live – either based on how we use the products ourselves, or how other items manufactured with the products have changed our lives. Think about all the adhesives you use on a daily basis. In my office alone, my bulletin board (and wall) are littered with Post-It Notes, reminding me of the twenty-something “urgent” actions I need to take, deadlines that must be met, etc. There are the labels and stickers that festoon my day planner, not to mention the adhesives and sealants that bonded together my telephone, printer and the computer on which I work, hold down the carpet under my feet, hold together the window I gaze out of. Adhesives and sealants have changed the way that products are manufactured, and continue to change our future.


Please, take a moment and enter in a product your company is manufacturing that makes a difference! Click here for more information.