In 2012, 52% of employed Americans expected to work during their vacations, according to a survey of 1,094 full-time workers by online-meeting firm TeamViewer and Harris Interactive. Do you check your email or voicemail while on vacation from your job?
Yes: 60.8%
No: 39.2%
Do staff engineers ever not check for e-mails from their vendors/tool makers?
I try, unsuccessfully, to vacation in places where email and cell phone service is scarce; they find me anyway!
I forget all about work, if and when I can ever get away from it.
Email is still better than the old days when you would frequently be asked to come back early from vacation for an "emergency".
Somebody does it for me, and let's me know what I have to do.
Vacation time is MY time, and I could care less about any business-related messages during my time off! People need to realize that a job should not be allowed to control one's personal life!
Absolutely not. A company should be able to function without anyone for short periods of time.
It's better than returning from vacation and having 300+ emails in the mailbox...
Just before I go back to my job.
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Working on Vacation