Editor Teresa McPherson's Monthly Roundup

We're especially excited about this issue ofASIbecause it incorporates a new magazine that we're launching, titledASI End User. This special issue is focused on the end user of adhesive and sealant products. In this first issue, we're featuring editorial of interest to users of adhesives and sealants for electrical and electronics applications. Articles we hope you'll enjoy include an article from Henkel discussing the various types of electrically conductive adhesives available to assemblers of electronics and other materials ("Electrically Conductive Adhesives,"). In addition, a feature article from DEK discusses how stencil printing platforms can be used to deposit large numbers of glue dots of varying heights in a single print cycle ("An Alternate to Dispensing").

Look for future special issues to feature the topics of adhesive fasteners, adhesives for packaging, and construction adhesives and sealants.

We hope you find this useful and look forward to your comments about this special content. Please feel free to contact me, or publisher Sue Love (loves@bnpmedia.com ), with your comments.

In addition to the end-user section, this issue is also full of excellent editorial for formulators of electronics and other adhesives and sealants. An article from Verichem examines biocides and their use in adhesive and sealant formulations ("Biocides: The Necessary Evil of Protecting and Preserving Adhesives and Sealants"). "A Matter of Choice" takes a look at the selection of additives for adhesives and sealants and its dependence on the processing equipment being used. Additionally, ASI Editorial Advisory Board Member Dave Dunn reports from the induction ceremony of the Inventors Hall of Fame, where Dr. Harry Coover was recognized for his invention of cyanoacrylate adhesives - the so-called "Super Glues."

Controlling the Cost of Manufacturing

The price of oil continues to rise, but consumer products are holding steady or only slightly increasing. Many companies have been trying to offset increasing materials and energy costs for decades, and have succeeded in a number of ways. A recent New York Times article reports that the adhesive on 3M's Scotch tape and many of its bandages no longer has petroleum as an ingredient. In addition, the company generates its own electricity for an administrative operation in Austin, TX. The waste heat given off by the gas-fired generator is captured and used to run boilers that heat the building.

What is your company doing to offset the increase in oil and natural gas prices, as well as raw material costs? Please drop me a line at mcphersont@bnpmedia.com and we may feature your response in an upcoming issue of ASI.

Teresa McPherson is Editor of Adhesives & Sealants Industry magazine. If you wish to send a letter to the editor, please address it to the editor, ASI Magazine, PO Box 936, Lapeer, MI 48446, or e-mail mcphersont@bnpmedia.com . Letters must include the sender's address, phone number and e-mail address, when possible. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.