Designed for multiple mixing requirements such as
high-speed dispersion, emulsification and particle size reduction, the Ross
VersaMix triple-shaft mixer is now available with a solid/liquid injection manifold,
or SLIM™, system. The incorporation of this high-speed powder induction
technology reportedly adds to the equipment’s flexibility and broadens its
applicability while manufacturing viscous materials.
When introducing low-density solids,
agglomerates can form when using top-entry slow-speed mixers. In some cases,
this lumping is irreversible–subsequent shearing will not eliminate the “fish
eyes” that have formed, restricting plant operators to very slow addition of
powders and negatively affecting production throughput.
The SLIM system injects materials directly into the
rotor/stator agitator of the VersaMix. The strong vacuum force of the high-shear
mixer sucks in powders or liquids for immediate dispersion or emulsification.
Wet-out is virtually instant and mixing time is significantly
decreased. The volume of airborne particles resulting from powder dusting is
also minimized.
For more information, call (800) 243-7677.