I am pleased to share exciting details about the ASC 2018 Annual Spring Convention and Expo, which takes place April 23-25 at the Hyatt Regency in Miami. As you know, this annual event is the largest U.S. gathering of adhesive and sealant professionals. This year’s convention is shaping up to be another spectacular, must-attend event (see p. 31 for a schedule of events). We continually add new features to improve attendees’ overall experience, and 2018 is no exception.

We begin the week with our annual “ASC Gives Back” community service project. Miami’s shoreline was devastated by Hurricane Irma last fall, and industry volunteers will be working together to restore sand dunes at Crandon Park Beach in Key Biscayne during an afternoon of networking and stewardship.

Our opening keynote is Jim Larranaga, head men’s basketball coach at the University of Miami—currently one of the top NCAA men’s basketball teams in the nation. Larranaga will discuss “The Art of Retaining, Developing and Recruiting Talent.”

Day One features numerous hot topics such key feedstocks in adhesives and sealants, advanced technology, market data and disruptive technologies, regulatory developments affecting our industry, hygiene value chain, and migration in food packaging. During lunch, recipients of the ASC’s new Scholarship Program will be announced and recent graduates of the association’s Training Academy Certificate Program will be recognized—both of which are new to the convention program.

Day Two’s keynote is Michael Okoroafor, Ph.D., vice president of global sustainability and packaging innovation at McCormick and Co., a respected global leader in flavor. He will present an industry outlook with the talk “Key Insights Driving the Future of Food Packaging.”

Session highlights for Day Two include sessions on new product introductions, operations and process safety, formulating additives, business and technology in the digital world, product innovations by finalists of the ASC’s Innovations Award, and polyurethanes. Recipients of this year’s ASC Innovation Awards will be announced on Day Two, which will also feature an association members-only networking lunch.

In addition, two co-located short courses are scheduled over two days. The hot-melt session will include formulation strategies based on application and performance requirements for a variety of hot-melt adhesive markets by industry experts. The polyurethane short course will cover the chemistry and technology behind one- and two-part polyurethane adhesives and sealants, including markets, raw materials, reactions, formulating, fundamentals of adhesion, polymer science, and physical testing.

Also, we will once again feature more than 100 exhibitors in the Expo, where the leading suppliers, technologies and solutions in the adhesive and sealant market will be present to meet with attendees. We have many first-time exhibitors this year! Lastly, our Opening and Closing Receptions provide excellent opportunities for attendees to network with fellow industry professionals.

As you can see, there is a lot of value built into two days at the ASC 2018 Annual Spring Convention and Expo. Now that it is once per year, you cannot afford to miss it. Be sure to check for updates on our website. I look forward to seeing you in Miami.  ASI

For more information, visit www.ascouncil.org.