Hosted by the American Chemistry Council’s Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI), the 65th Polyurethanes Technical Conference, taking place September 25-27, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas, will feature educational sessions and the latest innovations in polyurethane chemistry. Registration is now open to attend the conference with leading industry professionals and experts to discuss trends, regulatory issues, the future of the polyurethane industry, and much more.
“We’re thrilled to be celebrating the 65th conference in 2023, an important milestone that reinforces our distinction of being the longest-running polyurethanes conference in North America,” said Lee Salamone, senior director, CPI. “With over 800 attendees at last year’s conference highlighting the sustained growth of a valued industry, we look forward to gathering later this year to continue discussing technical and educational topics in the polyurethane industry.”
The Polyurethanes Technical Conference offers a prominent lineup of technical sessions designed to showcase the most relevant regulatory topics and trends facing the industry and the opportunity for attendees to network with polyurethane professionals from across the industry. The circular economy and sustainability will be among the topics featured at this year’s conference, with sessions also focusing on blowing agents, spray foam, and more.
“Each year it’s fantastic to have the industry’s top minds come together to showcase the latest innovations and discuss important regulatory issues,” said Robert Smith, Wanhua Chemical, this year’s conference chair. “This year is a landmark one with us not only celebrating the 65th conference, but also marking the 15th year of the Professional Development Program, a platform that allows industry experts to share their knowledge with attendees on a broad variety of relevant topics that can help shape the present and future of the polyurethane industry.”
This year’s conference will offer both in-person and virtual sessions of the Professional Development Program (PDP), including a new PDP course - Catalysts, Adhesives & Surfactants.
To learn more and register for the conference, click here.